
While I am a Reiki Master, this isn’t Reiki. I am a High Frequency Quantum Field Energetics Master. 

I work in the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th Light Realms of the Quantum Field. 

The 7th Level is Zero Point Energy — Cosmic Source Energy. 

One experiences the bliss of Unity and Source Consciousness at this Frequency.


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🔮 Dreamer

✨Get ready to transcend the mundane 
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💎 Transmuter

✨Alchemize the emotions and beliefs holding you back
✨Renew, Re-charge, & Rejuvenate your energy 
✨This is a life force infusion
✨This is a chakra balancing & re-alignment

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🩷 1.5 hr long sessions


💫 Activator

✨Optimize recovery after strenuous activity 
✨Amplify overall well-being
✨Receive activations for your divine blueprint to unlock your dormant potentials
✨Preparatory for optimal performance

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🪄 Manifester

✨This is for those desiring to manifest 
✨Frequencies to break up stuck energetic blocks 
✨Amplifying your receptivity to abundance 
✨Increasing your capacity to magnetize your desires in the physical realm 
✨Dissolves blocks to inauthenticity 
✨Enhances communication

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🩷 1.5 hr long sessions



✨This is for the creatives - so the writers, artists, researchers, inventors, engineers - basically anyone whose work involves a creative element 
✨Access the realm of Infinite knowledge to gain clarity & understanding 
✨Reveals your life path
✨Unfolds opportunities

🩷 Get access to my growing collection of transmissions

🩷 New items added every month

🩷 1.5 hr long sessions


🚀 Traveller

✨This is for the Spiritual Seeker who desires to delve into the Ascension Level Energies
✨Connect to the Source Unity Consciousness - the Prime Creator of All That Is 
✨Access the realm where all possibilities exist as potentials
✨Activate your Light Body
✨Unlock your 3rd eye 
✨Clear karmic entanglements

🩷 Get access to my growing collection of transmissions

🩷 New items added every month

🩷 1.5 hr long sessions

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the best way is with a monthly pledge.

If you can’t afford a monthly pledge it would also be very helpful to me if you could share every YouTube video on social media sites and other websites on the internet. 

 I truly appreciate you and am grateful for all of you that have supported me and those that continue to support me. 

 Sending you so much Love and Light! 🙏🏼💗


In my Quantum Energetics sessions I use 5 different techniques and I access the 4 highest Planes of Existence.

I've created sessions where I give each technique time in each frequency.
As I raise my frequency, I bring you up into the realm I'm visiting and you can experience it.

The Techniques

The Quantum Waves ~ this is my go-to technique when I need to replenish my energy, rejuvenate and raise my frequency.

The Heart Light Portal ~ this is my go-to technique when I need to strengthen up my auric shield, send love to a situation, clear out blockages and heart walls.

The Quantum Rays ~ this is my go-to technique when I want to call in inspiration, creativity, solutions, and guidance from one of the realms.

The Spiraling Kundalini Bubbles ~ this is my go-to technique to reset my mindset at a deep spiritual level, gain clarity and meaning on the bigger picture of my life.

The Merkaba Vortex ~ this is my go-to technique to remove negative energies from my auric field and physical space, reveal past lives that need healing, and further develop my Light Body.

The Planes

The 4th Realm ~ the lower layer at a sitting state looks aquamarine but when it is ramped up it has a sky blue topaz appearance. The highest layer at a sitting state is a royal blue sapphire colour but when it is ramped up it is a sky or pastel blue sapphire colour. On the electromagnetic spectrum we're accessing information contained in the Ultraviolet Wavelength.
The 5th Realm ~ In a sitting state it is a rich golden shade but when it is ramped up it has a warm yellow appearance and if you turn up the volume some more it turns into a piercing bright yellow light. On the electromagnetic spectrum we're accessing information contained in the XRay Wavelength. The 6th Realm ~ It is light pink but when it is ramped up it has an almost pearlescent white appearance. On the electromagnetic spectrum we're accessing information contained in the Gamma Ray Wavelength.
The 7th Realm ~ It is rose gold but when it is ramped up it has an almost pearlescent pink appearance. On the electromagnetic spectrum we're accessing information contained in the Zero Point Wavelength.


Take a minute to read about the clearing symptoms to expect.


I find this type of energetics helps me navigate the energies of solar flares, full moons, equinoxes, mercury retrogrades, and other physical events.



Can I do this while I sleep?

Can I do a whole bunch of sessions in a row?

What is the best order to do these in?

What do I need to prepare for a session?